The Ultimate Percentage Calculator
What is
% of
What is
as a percentage of
What is the % change from
This page features three handy percentage calculators! The first calculator calculates the given percentage of a particular number. The second calculator helps you determine what percentage one number is of another. The third calculator works out percentage change from one number to another. These calculators should help you calculate the right answer to these often-asked questions.
More about the calculators
The first calculator helps you work out what amount a certain percentage of another number is. Here are the sorts of things you can do with this calculator:
Calculate what mark you need to get a certain percentage on a test/exam (put the desired percentage in the first box, and the total available marks in the second box)
Calculate how much of something you need to have some percentage of the total (put the percentage in the first box and the total of that thing in the second box)
Calculate what the sales tax is going to be (put the sales tax rate in the first box and the price in the second box)
Calculating what x% of y is (put x in the first box, and y in the second)
The second calculator is very simple - it calculates the percentage that one number is of another. These are, for example, the sorts of things you can do:
Calculate test/exam percentage (put your mark in the first box, and the total available marks in the second box)
Calculate ownership percentage (your share in the first box, total share in the second box)
Calculate task completion percentage (put the tasks completed in the first box, total tasks to do in the second box)
The third calculator helps you work out percentage changes in numbers. This is really useful and comes up a lot in daily life. If the calculator gives you a negative number, that means that you have a percentage decrease. Here are some examples of things you can do with this calculator:
Calculate salary increase/raise percentage (put your old salary in the first box and new salary in the second box)
Calculate percentage change in a stock/share price (put the old share price in the first box and the new share price in the second box)
Work out sales/revenue growth (put the previous period's sales/revenue in the first box, and the current period's in the second box)
Work out what fees/taxes were in percentage terms (put the price before fees/taxes in the first box, and the final price in the second box)